Spring cleaning is an excellent time to detoxify the body and not just organize and declutter your home. We all have toxins in our bodies at all times. They accumulate from environmental pollution exposure, medications, and even some of the foods we eat.
This time of year offers several seasonal vegetables packed with powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which help strengthen the body’s natural detoxifying system.
AVOCADOS contain several compounds that help to clean the liver and intestines. They’re packed with fiber, which helps to avoid constipation.
They also have unsaturated fats that may lower the risk of cognitive decline.

ARTICHOKES contain one of the most potent antioxidants, which assists the body in neutralizing and flushing out toxins.
They’re full of fiber, and eating a whole one takes a long time, which helps with mindful, slow eating to feel fuller faster.

BROCCOLI is a powerhouse of nutrients. It contains enzymes that support the body’s natural detoxification process by eliminating harmful substances like carcinogens and free radicals, especially from the lungs.
By reducing the body’s exposure to these toxins, broccoli can help lower the risk of diseases, including certain cancers.
High vitamin A levels help keep eyes healthy and may reduce age-related eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

CELERY is mainly water, which keeps the body hydrated and makes it feel less hungry. It also has potent antioxidants that eliminate free radicals from roaming the body and causing damage.
It contains vitamins and minerals like potassium and calcium, essential to keep the heart healthy.

KALE is a leafy green vegetable and a nutritional powerhouse. It contains compounds that have been shown to reduce inflammation, making it beneficial for conditions like arthritis.
Kale is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect against certain types of cancer.
It’s high in Vitamins K and A, which help maintain healthy vision and bone health. A good amount of Omega-3s may help reduce anxiety.

ONIONS are filled with compounds that create a route for toxins to be flushed from the body. They protect against certain cancers, including the stomach and colon. Combined with garlic, available all year, they’re even more powerful.
Onions help regulate blood sugar levels. They’re also a great source of Vitamin C, which keeps skin healthy and boosts collagen and memory. They also prevent muscle cramps and may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Takeaways: As much as possible, we should focus on nourishing our bodies by putting the best foods into them.
Spring is an excellent time for you to take charge of your health. By consciously choosing to add more colorful whole foods to your diet, you’re making a powerful decision to work with your body to keep it strong and healthy inside and out.
Remember, the more whole and natural foods you add to your plates, your body’s systems will work better.
By making this choice now, you’re improving your health today and building a solid defense against harmful diseases in the future.